Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sustainability Education in Universities Across Sindh: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward
Sustainability Education, University, Sindh, Pakistan, Higher InstitutionsAbstract
Sustainability education is one of the essential aspects of higher learning institutions, as it prepares the learners with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to address sustainable environmental, social, and economic issues in their societies. This research assesses the status of sustainability education in universities in Sindh Pakistan in terms of awareness among students and faculty, training of faculty members, infusion of sustainability themes in the curriculum, support and resources provided by the university, industry engagement, and the level of use of digital learning tools. In this study, quantitative and qualitative data was obtained by self-completed questionnaires, qualitative interviews with selected students, staff, and university management, and archival records. This paper shows the discrepancies in the implementation of sustainability education, some universities have higher involvement in student and faculty training while others face challenges with curriculum inflexibility and limited funds. The findings discussed in the work include the lack of sufficient interprofessional collaboration, the confinement of research activity in the university environment, and the absence of clear policies. Recommendations include developing the training of teachers in teaching areas, growing the use of digital instruction methodologies, and promoting linkages and engagement with businesses and industries to incorporate sustainability issues into their framework; and, constructive modification in policies to better incorporate sustainability education. The present study calls for the development of a well-planned, organized framework of sustainability education in Sindh’s universities to better conform with such tenets and become a catalyst for SDs.
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