Teacher Qualifications and Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology: A Performance Comparison
Teacher Qualification, Information and Communication Technology, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Teachers, EducationAbstract
This study investigates the difference in teacher qualifications, and their ICT knowledge and skills employed in second-density schools in southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The subjects comprised 100 secondary school teachers, who were chosen through a stratified random sampling technique based on teacher’s qualifications of Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and M.Phil./Ph.D. Students, heads of sections and teachers filled a structured questionnaire; quantitative results (t-tests conducted in SPSS) highlighted the difference in ITC literacy between teachers holding a Master’s, M.Phil./Ph.D. and those holding only a B.A. The study revealed that teachers with more formal education had more skills in the use of ICT they need more qualifications and training to be effective in using ICT. This study stresses the importance of focused ICT preparing to less qualified teachers to enhance the gaps in their training to ensure effective use of devices in learning.
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