Need Assessment of Continuous Professional Development of University Teachers


  • Awais Ahmed Riaz Awan M.Phil. Graduate, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Sadaf Naz Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Ayesha Ahmed Khan M.Phil. Graduate, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Raja Zaheer Khan M.Phil. Graduate, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.



Need Assessment, Continuous Professional Development , University Teachers


This study investigated the existing gap between the present and the required need for continuous professional development of university teachers in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It aims to review existing training programs and assess the training needs of university teachers to identify key areas for improvement. The study sample consisted of five hundred male and female university teachers, randomly selected from five public-sector universities in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The questionnaire was prepared on a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaires comprised thirty-five items. Mean score, frequency, and percentage were applied as statistical tools to analyze the data. The findings of the study showed that university teachers in AJK need continuous professional development in areas of using instructional material, teaching meta-cognitive strategies, monitoring the students and providing regular appropriate feedback, Using effective ICT instruments, modifying the behavior of students, knowledge about students thinking and learning, motivational techniques and strategies for students learning. This study also provides valuable insights for policymakers and university administrators, especially when it comes to designing ongoing training programs for university teachers. The findings could inspire new approaches to continuous professional development (CPD) that ultimately enhance teaching effectiveness. The study could also pave the way for further research on continuous professional development of university teachers.

Author Biography

  • Awais Ahmed Riaz Awan, M.Phil. Graduate, Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Awan, A. A. R., Naz, S., Khan, A. A., & Khan, R. Z. (2025). Need Assessment of Continuous Professional Development of University Teachers. The Knowledge, 4(1), 15-25.