Investigating the Needs of Students Guidance and Counseling at University Level


  • Nusrat Bibi Research Scholar, Department of Education, University of Loralai, Loralai, Balochistan, Pakistan.



Students Guidance, Counseling, University, Education, Loralai, Balochistan, Education Programs


The present study was planned to investigate the need for student guidance and counselling at the university level. The study was delimited to the University of Loralai only. The main objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship guidance needs of the students at the university level, to explore the health guidance needs of the students at the university level, and to identify the moral guidance needs of the students at the university level. The study population was all students at the University of Loralai. One hundred students from the university were taken as samples. The questionnaire was constructed and included different areas of relationship guidance, health guidance, and moral guidance needed for the student's guidance and counselling. This study identifies that students face problems in peer relationships with other students. Students are fully aware of their local culture and values and know how to deal with the opposite gender. It is difficult for students to control their emotions, and they need guidance regarding this. Students can solve their personal problems through guidance and counselling. The study recommends peer relationship improvement programs, health education programs, counselling services, stress reduction workshops and emotional management support. The university could establish counselling services or workshops that focus on emotional intelligence and stress management. The university continues offering guidance and counselling services for students to help them solve personal problems and cope with psychological complications. Ensure that these services are easily accessible


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How to Cite

Bibi, N. (2023). Investigating the Needs of Students Guidance and Counseling at University Level. The Knowledge, 2(1), 9-18.